Life Is A Calendar was originally written as a series of dispatches from Cuenca, Spain during an artist residency at Universidad Cuenca-La Mancha (UCLM). The program was a new faculty initiative between my home institution of Texas State University and UCLM for cross-cultural collaboration in research and education. In January of 2020, Jerolyn and I hosted two Madrid-based artists and UCLM faculty, Óscar Martínez Martín and Begoña Uzkanga Goyentxea. They engaged the students in a fantastic workshop based on the legendary Austin artist and musician Daniel Johnston (Óscar was a huge fan) and shared tales of life and culture in Madrid. Artist studio visits, museum tours, and colorful conversation made for a joyous (and very hectic) two weeks together. A farewell celebration with friends playing bluegrass on our front porch was the perfect adios.   

 On February 24 Jerolyn and I departed for Madrid. Nothing out of the ordinary upon our arrival in Spain: jet lag, general travel confusion, and people speaking really fast. Our lethargic disposition is immediately vanquished upon entering the rental flat. The manager is visibly shaken, speaking rapidly in English and Spanish about health reports from Italy and rumors in Madrid. She’s wearing a tight-fitting mask, black nitrile gloves, and maintaining a distance. She warns us to be careful, to wash our hands (often), and avoid crowds. Buena suerte and she’s out the door. We open the shades, step onto the balcony and observe an endless crush of tourists weaving through the street and the Mercado de San Miguel…


To Begin...Again


Sketchbook From A Year of Gratitude